Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Testing, testing 1.2.3 - Is this thing on?

So hello all and welcome to the first post of Madeline and my adventures around the globe.

Step 1) A few weeks ago we went shopping and got backpacks - 75 liter for me, and 65 liter for Madeline. And yes, her pack is pink/purple...

Stay tuned for step 2.


Anonymous said...


Toolman said...

w00 Im in!

Jono said...

Yo timmah. Post some pictures when you can. You coming past Kenya?

Toolman said...

Yep pics will be included when I have something interesting. No plans for africa yet, but you'll know if we are coming around that area.

Becki said...

Tell the truth Tim, your back pack is pink/purple as well isn't it!

Toolman said...

Heh sorry mine is plain dark blue... I'll put up some pics.