Friday, September 14, 2007

Bangkok: Phallus Shrine

OK, no snickering in the cheap seats! We went and visited Bangkoks phallus shrine, known as Chao Mae Tuptim. (Goddess Tuptim Shrine)

It is hidden away in the back corner of the Bangkok Hilton (the actual one, not the prison!) down through the hotel's parking area past the hotel's workshop. It took us ages to find, as our guide book didn't mention how well obscured it is.

After embarrassingly trying to convey what we were looking for, we finally found a security guard who could point us the right way.


As you can see, there are carvings of all shapes and sizes.


Legend has it that women who pray here in an effort to become fertile for pregnancy may get help. They are to return if their wish is fulfilled, and place yet another phallus at the shrine in thanks.


This is the main shrine, with all the carvings around it, and littering the path on the way in. The shrine is still in use - it had a flame still going, and offerings of food, money and incense on its altar.

An interesting excursion for an afternoon in Bangkok!


Lou said...


Lou said...

I'm being mature.