Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Timely update - from India

Hello avid readers!

I know that we are well behind in our blogging - there are lots of posts in the pipelines, but since Thailand we have traveled thru Laos, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and are now in India.

The sneakyer among you may already know that you can look at our pictures by clickiong on any in the blog, or going to this link and clicking on the word you are interested in:


In a few weeks we will make it to England, and will be visiting Toolmans Nana, then on to visit Marksy in London. Toolman is hoping that Santa is going to buy him a new Macbook laptop, so we will both be online for some Skype chats and or videoconferences.

If you have broadband, all else you need is a webcamera with a microphone built in it. Download a copy of Skype from http://www.skype.com, and set up an account. Then all you have to do is add Toolman to your use list. His username on Skype is:


Note that the "00" are zeros, not Oh's ! We will be online most of NZs xmas morning (london xmas eve) and maybe again the next day. If you want to talk to us during xmas, you better get it set up. We'll make traditional phone calls to those of you backward enough not to have broadband yet ...

Toolman + Princess

1 comment:

Kiritopa said...

Hi Guys
I cannot believe the photos of the Taj Mahal - you are seeing the wonders of the world - stunning. I am impressed India looks far more beautiful than China although I loved those Buddha porcelain figurines.
Look forward to skyping with you on Xmas morning
Arohanui kia korua
Papa Kiritopa