Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Queens Day

On Queens day, all of Holland gets a day off. Its also a huge party day; the whole of Amsterdam goes crazy.

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Toolman considered what clothes he had to wear in the national color, but the (togs, togs, togs) undies were not flattering - this trick worked better on superman.

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Vondelpark hosts myriad enterprising youngsters selling goods ad services. Some were just garage sales of old toys, and some were more carnival in their approach.

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Knock the tins down to win...something.

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Smash the tomato as it rolls past. There was an even better one we didn't get a picture of: $1 to throw some eggs at a kid. He had a well defined area and he could try to dodge them.

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Everywhere was simply PACKED with people.

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This is a quiet area. Some places were ridiculous - we couldn't get out our camera for lack of space!

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Even the canals were full of people partying.

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Eventually, we visited Kiwisauce, our favourite (and only) Kiwi shop; they sell pies!

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Princess is happy now she has a pie. What a crazy day.

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