Thursday, July 3, 2008

Holland v France

Holland got into the quarter finals in the European Cup. The footall (or voetbal as it is known in Holland) is incredibly popular, and everyone goes CRAZY watching the games. One of the matches was on a Friday night, so our Dutch friends came around to have some pre-drinks, then we headed to the nearest pub to watch the game.

Below is Tim proudly displaying the Nederlands flags he bravely let Robert paint onto his face. Everybody gets very patriotic, and does things like paint flags on their faces, or dress up in orange (the national colour). As you can see behind him, Marloes and Madeline were getting into the spirit too by wearing orange (and having a slightly drunken dance and sing).

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Check out the hats that Marloes and Bern are wearing - awesome.

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After a few drinks at home we ventured into town.

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Town was insane! There were people everywhere! We managed to find a pub, and headed in to watch the game.

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Here is a close up of Tim's flags.... nice facials Tim!

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We managed to bump into some Kiwis who were in Amsterdam on holiday.

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The best news of the night was that Holland won the match! Hup Holland hup! (go Holland go).

Unfortunately that was their last win though, as they were knocked out of the competition during the next game.

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