Sunday, February 17, 2008

Toolman: Life setup in Amsterdam

Well hello loyal readers, this is Toolman speaking in the first person. I can't be bothered writing in 3rd person, so this is from me only. We have been seting up our life here in Amsterdam, and I have some good news. But first:

sany6594 (by t1mthet00lman)

Princess has been enjoying being able to cook again, and so we have enjoyed a few meals made just how we like it. This is Princess making some spinach puffs for dinner.

sany6601 (by t1mthet00lman)

And how about our wireless keyboard - do you know this brand? I did a google search for "virroscit" got 0 results.

sany6603 (by t1mthet00lman)

I got us a set of Logitech 230x 2.1 speakers, and they actually sound very nice considering their size etc. The sub (below) is pretty good.

sany6605 (by t1mthet00lman)

So no more crappy laptop sound, we can hear stuff in full fidelity!

So my good news is that I have got a job at JTeam. From their website:

JTeam is always looking for motivated Java developers. The more experience you have the better, but far more important is your willingness to learn! At JTeam you will be continuously working on state of the art projects, ranging from advanced web applications to complex enterprise applications including difficult integration aspects. You'll take part in a growing development team of experts, including internationally known Java & Open Source gurus. You'll receive a thorough grounding in sound development processes plus all the tips and tricks of developing high quality code.

We strongly believe in personal growth. We allow and encourage you to explore a wide variety of topics that are not necessarily related to your current project, write blogs and articles, contribute to open source projects, speak at conferences about your favorite topics, etc. And to make things even more attractive; several times a year we all visit the leading Java conferences in Europe, SpringOne and JavaPolis. There we present and learn about the next hot things, meet our friends and have a good time together.

So I am very much looking forward to that. We both got our tax numbers, and I have applied for a bank account, so I have nearly everything I need for living here.

Including a bike! I got given a bike that needed some love. Its crappy enough to (hopefully) not get stolen, and good enough to not kill me on the roads. One of the guys at my new job had this one cluttering up his hallway. I spent $10 on spare parts and $50 on a padlock.

sany6595 (by t1mthet00lman)

I also got some tools and proceeded to tidy up the bike - it now has front brakes, LED lights front and back, and no dangly broken bits.

sany6607 (by t1mthet00lman)

Our house isnt very full, but at least I have some tools! Its nice to be set up - the first month here has been pretty low key, and we haven't seen much of Amsterdam as we have been saving money. Now that I am employed we can start seeing Europe!


Mechanical Marksy said...

sick bike. pull any wheelies?

i want the tasty spinach & cheesey treats when i get there please!!!

Toolman said...

yeah i can bust out all kinda of awesome moves. like go forward, squeek to a stop, left AND right...

BarWench said...

darn and I thought the good news might be of the bling bling category ;)

ditto on the spinach and cheesy treats ;)