Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Toolmans tech endevours:

As I have mentioned, I am now working at JTeam. For my first few weeks I have been cycling around and working in other business offices. I dug up an old Dell laptop from the depths of the server room. It weighs a ton, but is quite powerful. This is my mobile office

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When I am in the office, this is where I sit.

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Since this photo, I now use the Dell laptop and this screen for a dual screen setup. The DPI difference is huge (the Dell has a very high res screen), so moving something from one screen to the other causes the size to scale up about 50%!

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This is a sneaky photo of my workmates Tim and Martijn. Work provides a free lunch for everyone. It is well catered, with lots of breads, cheeses, spreads and other delicatessen items, as well as lots of nice drinks... Mmmm!

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I love Pindakaas! Thats peanut butter for you non-Netherlands-types.

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The view out the window is average, but we are moving soon, and the new place is very nice. I found a second of these old Dell laptops at work, and have taken it home so that we have a laptop each.

Now that I have my own computer, our Acer laptop has been Princess-ified ..

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I have succumbed to temptation and bought a pair of C64 DTV joysticks. This is a complete Commodore C64 implemented in a single silicon chip and embedded into the joystick. It has a 2Mb flash rom that holds the 30 games included.

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The developers were nice enough to provide ALL pintouts for peripherals: keyboard (ps2), second joystick port, original 1541 disk drive serial lines, S Video and the true C64 ROM basic. I bought 2 so that I can hack one of them. I'm not yet sure what the hack will be yet...

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For now I'm just honing my California Games skills. These are cool, but I need to change some of the games on it.

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On an unrelated note, the big supermarket chain here (Albert Heijn) are giving away Smurfs. Look at the left most smurf :


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