Sunday, March 16, 2008


We heard about a cat sanctuary that was on a canal boat, so we decided to go and have a look. We wrapped up warm and headed out.

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On our way we popped into the NZ shop: Kiwisauce. These guys sell mainly specialty gourmet sauces and NZ wines.

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I think they also do Kiwi catering, and we are guessing that the NZ embassy would be their number 1 customer. They also have some Kiwi classics. Mmmm Vegemite!

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But the best thing they have is: proper pies! Vege pies, mince, steak and cheese, all covered in yummy pasty. We bought some frozen pies to heat up at home, and a birthday present for our friend Marloes the Dutchie.

After stocking up on NZ supplies (no pineapple lumps though) we headed for the Pussenboots float. The kitties who live aboard have a pretty lavish pad! The whole boat has been designed just for them, and there are places to sleep, play and eat. They are taken care of by a group of dedicated volunteers.

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when we arrived it was feeding time, so all the kitties were eating.

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There were lots of nice kitties, but we liked this guy lots. His name is Kiss and he was very happy to receive some love. He was also pretty happy as he had a very comfy bed set up by a heater. Mmmmm..

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Some of the other kitties are more scare-dy..

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The kitties were all cute, but look at this cutie we met in a pet shop down the street! He has a very grumpy face, but is actually very friendly! We make the occasional visit to the pet shop to visit him.

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