Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Larena and Tommy

Several months ago we were lucky enough to have Tommy and Larena come and stay with us. They had been living in the UK, so Amsterdam was just a hop, skip and a jump away.

It was great to be able to show them the sights which Amsterdam has to offer. Of course this includes the famous red-light district.

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Say hi! Toolman took this pretty photo pointing along a canal.

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No close ups of the windows sorry, this is a family blog. While wandering around, we saw a prostitute open her door and go completely nuts at a random lady tourist who took a photo - apparently that is not OK.

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Smile everyone!

That weekend we also were invited to a Kiwi party. It was hosted by a Kiwi we met living over here.

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The sign on the front door was great, and the party was too.

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This party had the kiwi touch all over!

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Someone made an excellent Tiki cake (pie?)

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In the middle is our host, Rosita. We had a good feed and socialised with peepole whu undastund kuiwii. There were at least 20 Kiwis there and it was great to be able to speak in carefree, slurred, colloquial English and still be understood.

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When the party finished up we headed to Vondelpark to finish the last of our drinks - another great night. Tommy may have been a little worse for wear though..... :)

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Next afternoon Tommy and Toolman devised a plan: let the girls go shopping while the lads went and bought an RC helicopter. Tommy has one, and Toolman had always wanted one.

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There it is up close, not easy to fly, but Toolman is getting better. Thankfully you can buy spare parts for them...

We had a really nice time with Larena and Tommy. Thanks for visiting guys!

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