Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Princess' good friend, Mandles, came and visited us a couple of months ago. She has recently moved over to the UK from NZ, so it's nice and easy for her to come over to Amsterdam for a visit.

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She was awesome enough to bring us snacks from Sanza. Pineapple Lumps! Burger Rings! Mmmm... It was fantastic! These are some of the things we miss the most about NZ (other than family and friends of course).

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We went for a bike ride all around Amsterdam which was fun. There are lots of places around which rent out bikes to tourists, so it was easy to find one for Mandles. We took a cruise around Vondel Park, and also headed into Amsterdam Centraal.

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Mandles and Princess went to Amsterdam Dungeons to get a dose of spooky. It was actually really scary! The actors all play their spooky parts really well, and look very convincing with their makeup and costumes.

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At the end of the tour around the Dungeon there is a roller coaster ride. Guess who the scared one is?

They also visited the Wax Museum and Anne Frank's house. Anne's house was especially interesting, especially seeing as they had both read her diary at school many moons ago.

It was a great weekend, and we hope to catch up with Mandles again soon! :)

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