Sunday, October 5, 2008

Toolmans Mum arrives!

SANY9009 (by t1mthet00lman)

Toolmans' Mum has arrived and is staying with us for a couple of weeks. We are luckily able to use our neighbors apartment for Mum to stay in, so we have lots of space.

SANY9008 (by t1mthet00lman)

Mum was awesome enough to bring us snacks! Yes, thats a suitcase full of Shapes, Pineapple Lumps and Burger Rings! Thanks Mum!

We have planned to go and visit Hungary together, so stay tuned for our adventure stories.

1 comment:

Kiritopa said...

That looks rampantly unhealthy - but they say absence makes the heart grow fonder even as it pushes your blood sugar off the planet. :-) My mum used to send things like that to us when were hippies in the Hokianga - refugee parcels. Note that they are stopping the manufacture of Snifters and Sparkles! Snifters are part of our whanau Xmas culture. Great to see you all this morning and to meet your mum for the first time (even if it was only a virtual experience).