Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Hey everybody! Its out last night here in Amsterdam, where did the year go?

Princess' Mum, Sue, arrived just before Xmas. We met her at the airport.


Princess has been looking forward to seeing her Mum for ages!


Unfortunately, we had to say good bye to Heikki the Hampster the next day. :( We found a perfect foster family - Thanks Marco, Maxim and Lois - but we both miss him still.


Our last week involved Xmas with Princess' Mum Sue, and then lots of organizing of finances, travel plans and exit strategies.

We have spent the day cleaning the flat and getting rid off excess cruft. We have packed up our life into backpacks, and leave first thing tomorrow morning for Geneva in Switzerland.

Where ever you are and whatever you are doing for New Years , have one for us! We will be back in New Zealand late January after our travels backpacking through Switzerland, Austria and Italy.

Can't wait to see you all soon;

Toolman and Princess


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys, omg I can't believe your still traveling! Im back in school for nearly two years now, and your still wander about! Man I wish I was still traveling ... Remember me? you fixed up our Suzuki Van in australia, when the muffler broke down on us. We used a nice cann of beer or something to fix it haha. legendary. I was wondering how amsterdam was! Hope it didnt disappoint you. My email is rjvanduyne@hotmail.com hope to hear from you soon.